Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday 2-19

Another day of great progress and some answered prayers!

As some of you may know,we have not received some supplies critical to this project , LIKE POWER LINE POLES!!!!, as we were promised. Last night as we gathered as a group for reflection and fellowship we prayed to God for a bit of help in getting those supplies to us so this project could progress as planned, on schedule. This morning before breakfast...we again prayed for our materials to get here.....this afternoon the team received a message, Gary's voice bellowing over the walkie-talkies, "I just received a phone call, the truck with our poles and other supplies is on it's way here from Santa Cruz!!!!" Thank You Lord, our prayers were heard and answered! This good news added to the momentum of the day. There was visible progress by the linemen, as new lines went up and old poles became bare. The electricians stayed busy running new circuits and stripping out old low voltage wiring. The ladies began painting the dorms, Wayne finished mowing the air strip (a critical measure, just in case we need an emergency medi-vac plane to land here) and the team from "Stepp'in out Missions" continued working in the kitchen and cafeteria, helping bring the facilities up to date. With the pending arrival of the supply truck, we are excited with the anticipation of many great work days to come. Keep the members of our team in your thoughts and a special request for your prayers, for Brad the son of team member Steve Matte, who underwent heart surgery yesterday and received a pace maker surgery today. We pray for his fast recovery.

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