Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another cloudy morning

Yesterday was an amazing day, weather-wise. We could see rain to our south and then we could see rain to our north. We fully expected to get drenched during our outdoor work time, but the only rain we felt was a very slight mist and it did not last long. I consider this to be the perfect protection from the Lord for the work we still need to get done here. This morning is completely cloudy and who knows whether we will be able to work outside all day or not, but we are committed to finishing the task at hand.

As Shane has been posting on this blog recently, we are looking at the I-TEC exodus from Monte Blanco in two days. What memories and friendships have been made here! It will be hard to leave here. Our fellowship and devotional times have been precious! Our group even sang a song in the local church in San Isidro on Sunday evening and it seemed to be very well accepted. The song we have focused on while here is called JESUS, ALL FOR JESUS, and it has taken on some real meaning for most or all of us. It is why we are here and we just hope that the meaning of the words of that song resonate through our hearts for years to come.

I have asked Joel Corley from Steppin Out Missions to continue the blog beyond I-TEC's presence here, as we have worked so well and hard together in this endeavor. Joel is also pastor of a church in Ohio where the mission is headquartered. We have developed some eternal friendships with the team from SOM and are confident we will be teamed up again sometime in the future if the Lord tarries. SOM has focused on redoing the electrical wiring in the Kitchen.Dining building. They have installed new lighting in the dining area and throughout the building and it has taken on a whole new look. We are confident the campers coming here in two weeks will be delighted with the changes!

I am just posting this to let you know that there could be possibly multiple posts on some days in the next few days as I-TEC leaves Monte Blanco and heads to Santa Cruz for the trip back to the States. SOM will be here for one additional week and will be working on the punch list we leave behind. Beyond that, Art Soares and Don and Christine Ames will be staying until March 15 and then will return to the States with Tim and Ceci Ramsey. Don and Christine and Art are part of the I-TEC team, so when the bulk of our team leaves on Friday, we are actually leaving three of our own here to the middle of March, just before camping resumes. The next window of opportunity for major work here at Monte Blanco will be in the middle of winter, in July. It is not known right now if any I-TEC or SOM volunteers will be part of that or not, but we are hopeful that someday some of us can return here to see how the Lord has been blessing this great ministry! We are thankful to the hundreds of you who have been faithfully following this blog, and we are hopeful that you might consider coming along with us sometime!

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