Sunday, February 10, 2013

1st Day of Rest

Today was Sunday and we started out the day with breakfast and then had a time of fellowship at Tim and Ceci's. This was a very meaningful time of thinking and praying about the team that will be joining us in less than a week now. We are left with one full day to finalize a material list for Santa Cruz, as Tim and Gary will head for Santa Cruz on Tuesday. Friday evening we will begin to meet the incoming team members. This week will go by very rapidly, I am afraid.

I(Gary) installed a new network router for the camp yesterday and thought everything was working just right only to find out that I left the ability to log onto the WiFi as a guest without any password. So, I spent another hour or so to reconfigure the system to more closely match what they had before and to remove that ability. Then I turned off the SSID broadcast mode to make it very difficult for any unauthorized use of the broadband resources. The increased download speed allowed us to actually make a video Skype call with one of our team mates in the US this afternoon, so I was very pleased with that. It should allow our team to be able to experience some better Internet while they are here working.

We did survey the farm to see what work is going to be done there. We then updated the CAD drawing to reflect what we are anticipating to be the final plan of attack on providing power to this vast complex. We do need your prayers.

This drawing was taken a number of years ago, but it does show the large number of buildings we have to work with. The photo was taken in an airplane flyover. The following is a satellite image from Google Earth.

As you think of us this week, there are many team members who are making final preparations to join us here at Monte Blanco. There is a vast amount of work to be done. Most importantly, we must have every building connected to the new national voltage of 220-volts 50Hz. In doing all of that, there will be 33 team members who all need to watch each other's backs, and we are really hoping for unity of purpose and vision with this large team. Keep us in your prayers to that extent.

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