Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday 2-22-13

Well it has been a full week since the bulk of the team left the U.S. and we have completed 5 great days of work. I'm sure if you were to hover above the camp in a balloon the team would look like an army of ants spread across a picnic blanket, determined to complete their tasks! As we near the midway point of the project, visual changes to the camps landscape become more and more evident. The linemen, working with the local contractor, have installed all the new concrete poles and have stripped out most of the old ones that will no longer be used. Tonight, thanks to Steppin out Missions, the dining hall is illuminated with new pendant fixtures and high efficiency CFL lamps. Some of the ladies along with a few Bolivian guys, have completed painting in many of the rooms in the boys dorm, while a few others spent the day sewing curtains  pillow cases and aprons. Let's not forget our electricians, who today tied the main utility feed to the new main panel, installed a new sub-panel in the pump house (where the pump for bringing river water to the camp is housed), and others continued testing, tracing, repairing and replacing outlets and switches in a few of the cabins and other buildings.
Last nights rain drops in the rose garden

Ken and Steve rewire an outlet

Tracing circuits in the ...attic.

One transformer, DOWN!

Dining hall will be bright tonight!

Sew, Sew, Sew!

John and Gary in the pump house

Me, writing this very blog!

Keith and Tom on the main distribution tower
The team has come together with such cohesion in such a short time, we are able to perform multiple tasks in multiple locations across the camp and it seems as if it was choreographed. Thanks to the thoughts and prayers of all of you following this blog, I know the next week will bring more progress, more friendships and the completing of different phases of this dynamic project. I know I speak for the whole team when I say THANK YOU!    

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